Layman's Machine Learning Explanation

Machine learning (ML), simply put, is a way where an algorithm "reads" the available data and then it "predicts" things when fed with brand new unseen data of the same type. For example you know the weight and the height of a bunch of people, the algorithm "sees" that data, and then when you give to the algorithm some new, unseen weight of people, the algorithm predicts their height with certainty of 80% let say. Read More...

The Only SEO Strategy You Need

Search engine optimization (SEO) is probably the most "esoteric" term when it comes to web development. The web is literally littered with SEO tips. Almost everyone is claiming to be an "expert" these days. There are even hundreds of books written on this topic. However, in my opinion, there's no need for overcomplicating things. Read More...

Migrate from HTTP to HTTPS

I was reluctant to switch to HTTPS for a long time until Google announced that Chrome will mark HTTP pages as "Not secure" if there are means for users to enter data. This is a deal-breaker because on a given (e.g. WordPress) blog you have a comment form, contact form, and possibly a newsletter form where users enter data. Read More...

Preload, Observe and Intersect

When testing your site with Lighthouse, very often if not always, amongst the many suggested parameters to fix are the critical rendering path and the offscreen images. So, the easiest way to fix this (meaning to speed up your site) or at least to improve the perceived speed in some browsers, is to preload some of your resources with rel="preload" (most usually your CSS, light scripts, and even fonts), and to use IntersectionObserver to lazy load your images, that is if you have a lot of them on a given page. Read More...

Setup Secure Mail Server

You want to turn your server into an email-sending-monster-machine with a limit of 100 emails per day, without any consequences upon the server's IP reputation and yet 99.99% deliverability, and not getting your hands too "dirty" along the process? You want your server/root to be able to send several thousands of emails per month without almost none of them getting into someone's spam folder, and all that for FREE? If so, keep reading. Read More...

Offload Your Static Content to Amazon S3

The first question that comes to mind is: Why do I want to offload my static content to Amazon S3 when I'm already serving my static content via content delivery network (CDN)? Amazon S3 is not a CDN and by definition it'll have a poorer performance because it'll serve the static content from one particular region instead from the nearest point of presence (PoP) to the user. Read More...

Prune Your Email List

If you're at least semi-serious about your online business the chances are high that you collect e-mail addresses from your visitors for the purpose of sending them newsletters. It's a very efficient way to connect with your loyal base in a very direct manner. Surprisingly, despite the existence of new messaging technologies and different communication apps, e-mail continued to be one of the most used means for communication. Read More...

Backup Your Site... Properly

Assumptions: You run your website on a server with Ubuntu installed. You operate as a non-root user with sudo privileges (as you should). You want to use AWS as an offsite backup destination. It goes without a saying if you have a valuable web asset you need to maintain a secure backup because of several reasons: To have a log of the changes you've made in the past. Read More...

Static Site on AWS

If your content doesn't change really dynamically, I mean dramatically dynamically, you don't need a server, a web server, database, a web scripting language, content management system (CMS) and so on. What you need is a static website. Let me be clear, a blog doesn't constitute a dynamic website. Not anymore. Read More...