Backup Your Site... Properly

Backup Your Site... Properly


It goes without a saying if you have a valuable web asset you need to maintain a secure backup because of several reasons:

In this tutorial:

  1. Amazon Web Services (AWS) setup
  2. Install and configure the AWS CLI on your server
  3. Create .my.cnf file
  4. Create backup scripts
  5. Test and create cron jobs

AWS setup

Follow the links and read the content there carefully.

  1. Sign up for an AWS account if you already don’t have one.
  2. Create S3 bucket. Make sure it’s not public.
  3. Create an IAM user with “programmatic access” to your bucket.

Later we’ll need this IAM user to access the backup folder behind the scene and automatically sync our files with the origin.

Install and configure the AWS CLI on your server

It’s a fairly simple process. Practically we’re enabling specific Command Line Interface which Amazon uses as means for communication between machines. Read here on how to install it on your server.

Create .my.cnf file

Assuming you have a database to dump during your backup you’ll need ~/.my.cnf file, which will store your database password, so you don’t have to hardcode the password in the backup scripts. Of course you’ll still have to hardcode your db password but now in ~/.my.cnf which is arguably a more secure method.

nano ~/.my.cnf

Paste the following, so you don’t have to use a username/password every time you perform mysqldump:

# optionally you can define the host if you decide to use 
# 'skip-name-resolve' setting at /etc/mysql/my.cnf

Exit CTRL+X, save y.

Restrict access to this file:

chmod 600 ~/.my.cnf

Create backup scripts

You don’t want to store your backups on your server. If it’s compromised it’s likely that your backups will be compromised too and we don’t want that. Therefore we will immediately move every backup at s3 once we’re done creating it.

So create a bucket at s3, and within that bucket create three folders: daily, weekly and monthly because we’re going to maintain daily, weekly and monthly backups.

Now, we’ll need three custom shell scripts daily-backup, weekly-backup and monthly-backup respectively.

Create and open for editing the first shell script:

nano ~/.local/bin/daily-backup

Now we’ll construct the script step by step.

Record the date at the time this script runs. This is needed to append a timestamp to the backup files which the script is going to create:

# save the date (day, month, year, hour, minutes)
THEDATE=`date +%d%m%y%H%M`

Save the path to the root of your website in a variable. Notice there’s no forward slash in the path stored in this variable, because I find it more syntactically appropriate to use it that way in the rest of the script.

# path

Dump the database:

# dump the website's database
# you need [client] credentials in '/home/<user>/.my.cnf' 
# for this to work in the script
mysqldump db_name > db-backup.bak

db_name is the name of the database you want to dump.

Tar and gzip the website’s root directory (htdocs in this case, yours may be different), along with the database we’ve dumped. You can include as many different folders and/or files as you want here. Practically everything you think you want to back up.

# tar/gzip the needed files/folders
# into one file `sitebackup$THEDATE.tar.gz`
tar chzfP sitebackup$THEDATE.tar.gz \
/home/<user>/db-backup.bak /$WEBSITE/htdocs \
/$WEBSITE/some/other/file.log /etc/nginx/some/other/folder

Where tar syntax is:

c - create.
h - follow symlinks.

If you have symlinks in your backup files and you do not follow them during tar the script might produce a warning. This will not stop the script from functioning but the server will throw an email notification every time the script runs, which is everyday in this case and we don’t want that.

z - read/write through gzip.
f - create archive file.
P - don’t strip the leading '/' from file names.

The next step is to remove the database we’ve dumped. We don’t need it anymore, since now it’s already bundled and gzipped together with the rest of the backup files/folders.

# clean up
rm db-backup.bak

At this point our gzipped backup file is ready to be moved to our s3 bucket:

# move the backup we just created to s3
aws s3 mv sitebackup$THEDATE.tar.gz \
s3://your-backup-bucket/daily/sitebackup$THEDATE.tar.gz \
--storage-class STANDARD_IA --quiet

Note: You might have to use the full path to aws in the command above so the cron job we’re going to create later on can successfully call it. You can see the full path to aws with this command:

which aws

The output might be something similar to this:


So, the aws s3 mv command will look like this:

# move the backup we just created to s3
/usr/local/bin/aws s3 mv sitebackup$THEDATE.tar.gz \
s3://your-backup-bucket/daily/sitebackup$THEDATE.tar.gz \
--storage-class STANDARD_IA --quiet

Where aws s3 mv syntax is:

--storage-class STANDARD_IA - store as a standard infrequently accessed file.
--quiet - run the command quietly without verbose output.

That completes the script and it should look like this:


# save the date (day, month, year, hour, minutes)
THEDATE=`date +%d%m%y%H%M`

# path

# dump the website's database
# you need [client] credentials in '/home/<user>/.my.cnf' 
# for this to work in the script
mysqldump db_name > db-backup.bak

# tar/gzip the needed files/folders
# into one file `sitebackup$THEDATE.tar.gz`.
# use full paths to files/folders
tar chzfP sitebackup$THEDATE.tar.gz \
/home/<user>/db-backup.bak /$WEBSITE/htdocs \
/$WEBSITE/some/other/file.log /etc/nginx/some/other/folder

# clean up
rm db-backup.bak

# move the backup we just created to s3
/usr/local/bin/aws s3 mv sitebackup$THEDATE.tar.gz \
s3://your-backup-bucket/daily/sitebackup$THEDATE.tar.gz \
--storage-class STANDARD_IA --quiet

Exit Ctrl + x, save y.

Secure the script:

chmod 700 ~/.local/bin/daily-backup

After this you need to set lifecycle rules for the folders (daily, weekly and monthly) in your s3 bucket because we don’t want to indefinitely increase the size of that bucket. For example we want to just keep the last 15 backups in each folder.

So, because our scripts will run every day, every first day of the week and every first day of the month we want to respectively set the lifecycle rules like this:

Expire objects older than 15 days in daily.
Expire objects older than 15 weeks (105 days) in weekly.
Expire objects older than 15 months (450 days) in monthly.

We also don’t want to keep the previous versions of the objects after the expiration, nor we want to transition the expired objects to a different storage class. We just want to permanently remove the expired objects, unless you want to do it differently.

Test and create cron jobs

Test the script via the command line and check whether it places a backup in your daily folder in the s3 bucket:


Create a cron job for this script:

crontab -e

Optionally you might want to log the behavior of the script.

# The backup script is in ~/.local/bin/
# Run daily backup (everyday at 06:00)
0 6 * * * /home/<user>/.local/bin/daily-backup >> \

Exit the crontab: Ctrl + x. It will automatically save the changes.

See how the script behaves when executed via cron. If it doesn’t create backups in your s3 bucket find the problem. Make sure you use the full path to aws in your backup script.

Finally, make copies of the script we made and change the word daily to weekly and monthly respectively in the scripts’ NAME and in the scripts’ CONTENT.

cd ~/.local/bin

cp daily-backup weekly-backup
cp daily-backup monthly-backup

sed -i 's/daily/weekly/g' weekly-backup
sed -i 's/daily/monthly/g' monthly-backup

Also, you might want to change the storage class to GLACIER in your weekly and monthly backup scripts because you will almost never access those archives. Keep in mind, if you want to access them though it can take hours because of the nature of the GLACIER archive which is way cheaper but not instantly accessible.

sed -i 's/STANDARD_IA/GLACIER/g' weekly-backup
sed -i 's/STANDARD_IA/GLACIER/g' monthly-backup

Next, you want to create two additional cron jobs:

# Run weekly backup (every Monday at 07:00)
0 7 * * 1 /home/<user>/.local/bin/weekly-backup >> \

# Run monthly backup (on the 1st day of every month at 08:00)
0 8 1 * * /home/<user>/.local/bin/monthly-backup >> \

Wrap up

To conclude, you will end up with three scripts which will produce gzipped backups of your files and your database every day, every first day of the week and every first day of the month. In time you’ll always have 15 daily, 15 weekly and 15 monthly (total 45) backup versions (restore points) of your website.

Now you might think the storage of these backups will probably cost a fortune. Not at all. Storing these backups at AWS will cost you pennies.

So you’re all set.

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