Static Site on AWS

Static Site on AWS

If your content doesn't change really dynamically, I mean dramatically dynamically, you don't need a server, a web server, database, a web scripting language, content management system (CMS) and so on. What you need is a static website. Let me be clear, a blog doesn't constitute a dynamic website. Not anymore. You can run e serverless blog now. Like the one you're looking at right now.

Now, of course you'll don't have a fancy platform where you'll simply login, type your content in and hit publish. You need to be a little bit more tech savvy since you'll be writing in markdown and previewing your content locally before syncing it with your live website. And that adds a little bit of fun while playing with your blog.

Table of Contents:

  1. Static Website Generator
  2. Hosting (Amazon Web Services)
  3. Deployment
  4. Updating the Website
  5. Cache-control
  6. Add Dynamics
  7. Setup Email
  8. Wrap Up

Static Website Generator

For a static website you need a website generator. There are plenty to choose from, like Pelican, Hugo, Jekyll, Hexo, Octopress to name a few, but this website is made with a generator that I wrote myself - Picogen. It's written in Python and it's really simple.

Anyways, whichever static website generator you'll end up using you'll need to basically learn how to operate it and generate content. The point is you need to end up with a locally hosted website that you can manipulate in any way you want and eventually deploy to AWS.

Hosting (AWS)

Since you don't need a classic server for a static website you can literally host it on a contend delivery network (CDN). There are numerous solutions out there but I really do fancy Amazon Web Services (AWS).

Once you sign up, AWS has an automated process (shortcut) for creating a static website which will guide you and automatically create an S3 bucket and a CloudFront distribution but it won't handle www to non-www redirection (or vice-versa if you prefer) nor will automatically enable HTTPS access to your own custom domain which requires a SSL certificate.

Here's an excellent documentation on how to setup a static HTTP website including the usage of a custom domain name. Amazon even has a whitepaper on building static websites (44 pages PDF). After you acquaint yourself with these docs you'll realize it all boils down to:

Create S3 Buckets

Create two S3 buckets ( and The first one will host your files (make sure you choose "use this bucket to host a website" in the bucket's properties), the second one will redirect to the first one (make sure you choose "redirect requests" for this one). This way we handle www to non-www redirection.

The files in the first bucket, the one that'll host the files, need to be publicly accessible in order CloudFront or anyone to be able to fetch them from there. Therefore you need to unblock all public access in the bucket settings and define the following bucket policy in the bucket's permissions:

      "Version": "2012-10-17",
      "Statement": [
              "Sid": "AllowPublicRead",
              "Effect": "Allow",
              "Principal": "*",
              "Action": [
              "Resource": [

Create CloudFront Distributions

Create two CloudFront distributions for each of the buckets. Those distributions' origins will be the buckets' hosting endpoints. Basically a CloudFront distribution will point to a bucket's endpoint URL. You can see a bucket's endpoint URL by checking out the bucket's properties. It'll look something like this: depending on the name of your bucket (in this case and the region of the bucket (in this case us-east-1). Basically, this URL needs to be an origin for a CloudFront distribution, respectively. Finally, you'll end up having two URLs at CloudFront similar to this:

There are several key settings for these distributions that you don't wanna forget to do. Make sure they redirect HTTP to HTTPS and they compress objects automatically (in the "Behaviour" settings), and set up Alternate Domain Names (CNAMEs) for each using your custom domain and respectively (in the "General" settings).

Manage DNS with Amazon Route 53

First you need to create a public hosted zone for at Amazon Route 53 which is Amazon's DNS web service. Then you need to go to your domain name registrar, i.e. GoDaddy, Namechap, etc. (unless your domain registrar is Amazon itself), and there point your domain to the nameservers at the newly created public hosted zone. There are usually four nameservers and they look like this:

Then, at the hosted zone you'll create ALIAS for your custom domain and point that to your CloudFront distribution ( whose origin is the bucket we've named exactly like your domain ( That's the bucket where you files will reside. You'll also create another ALIAS, but this time for the www version of your custom domain and point that to the other CloudFront distribution whose origin is the other bucket named

Get custom SSL Certificate

In order your website (your custom domain) to be able to be accessible via HTTPS you need to get CloudFront Custom SSL certificate for your custom domain which is relatively short process (you need to verify that you own the domain over email) and more importantly it's FREE. Worth to mention it's a SNI certificate which is widely supported.

In the Cloudfront distribution's "General" settings there's an option to get custom SSL Certificate. Click that option and Amazon will guide you through the process. Make sure the certificate covers both and


At this phase you need to somehow transfer your files from your local computer over to the cloud, and make sure the process isn't tedious, and desirably accomplished with one simple command every time you need to update your website.

Create an IAM User

First, you'll need to create an IAM user, locally with "programmatic access" to your S3 bucket where the website's files are located. Take note of its Access Key ID and Secret Access Key.

Then create a new access policy for that user and paste the code below. Make sure you use the name of your hosting bucket in this policy under "Resource":, in our case

    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
        "Effect": "Allow",
        "Action": [
        "Resource": [

What we're doing here is practically giving programmatic access to your S3 bucket to a very limited IAM user (he can only get, put, delete and list objects in a specific S3 bucket via the command line using AWS CLI).

Install and Configure AWS CLI

You need AWS CLI on your computer to be able to communicate with the bucket by using the IAM user you already created.

The installation process is different for different operating systems. Check out the AWS docs if you have problems installing AWS CLI on Linux or on Windows. Here's the install command on Linux, assuming you have pip installed:

pip install awscli --upgrade --user

Please read on how to configure the AWS CLI. In this process you're going to need the IAM user's Access Key ID, Secret Access Key, and the region of your hosting bucket (in this case us-east-1) and use them in a simple configuration command:

aws configure

You will get the following requests to populate, one by one. You can leave the last one blank.

AWS Access Key ID [None]: <Access Key ID>
AWS Secret Access Key [None]: <Secret Access Key>
Default region name [None]: us-east-1
Default output format [None]:

Basically, this will create two files (config and credentials) in the ~/.aws folder. Make sure those files are protected:

sudo chmod 600 ~/.aws/config
sudo chmod 600 ~/.aws/credentials

Updating the Website

Now that you've mastered your static website generator of choice updating the website is easy. First enter into your website's directory:

cd /path/to/your/website/

Sync the local folder where your website is built (i.e. /path/to/public) with your hosting S3 bucket:


# get into the public directory
cd /path/to/public

# sync images(jpg, jpeg, png, gif, svg), css and js 
# to s3:// with big max-age
aws s3 sync . s3:// --exclude "*" \
--include "*.jpg" --include "*.jpeg" --include "*.png" \
--include "*.gif" --include "*.svg" --include "*.webp" \
--include "*.css" --include "*.js" \
--cache-control "public, max-age=31536000" \
--storage-class INTELLIGENT_TIERING --delete

# sync json, ico, xml, xsl files
# to s3:// with small max-age
aws s3 sync . s3:// --exclude "*" \
--include "*.json" --include "*.ico" --include ".xml" \
--include ".xsl" --cache-control "public, max-age=86400" \
--storage-class INTELLIGENT_TIERING --delete

# sync the rest of the files with no max-age cache
aws s3 sync . s3:// --storage-class INTELLIGENT_TIERING --delete

We chose the storage class to be INTELLIGENT_TIERING which is a storage where AWS decides whether to classify the object as frequently (STANDARD) or infrequently (STANDARD_IA) accessed therefore trying to lower the storage price.

We also have put different cache-control for different files. Static files with huge max-age, some files with less max-age and the rest with no max-age at all.

For convenience you can put these commands in a bash script in /home/<user>/.local/bin and name it for example n-sync. Don't forget to runsource .bashcr or just restart the terminal in order to make the script available.

So when you're ready to push the changes to the bucket, in other words to make the changes live, you can do it with one command:

cd && n-sync

You will use this command every time you want to update your live website, and push the changes you made locally. So the process goes like this: You make changes locally (you create a new post, make design changes, etc.) and then when satisfied you're basically pushing the newest version online.


You can set the cache at a bucket level (as shown in the example above) and/or at the CloudFront distribution level ("Behavior" Settings). You can either set CloudFront to respect the origin's cache-control headers if any, meaning to keep the files at the edge as per the origin's headers value, or set up your own time/duration for keeping the files at the edge while ignoring the bucket cache values. In the second scenario the cache-control headers at the origin are still used for stating the browser's cache duration.

Here you have a very specific table explaining what happens when you set or don't set cache-control headers at origin in respect to Minimum TTL, Maximum TTL and Default TTL values at CloudFront distribution ("Behavior" Settings). It is fairly well explained in which situations which value takes precedence.

When it comes to cache-control there are three strategies:


This method can be only applied for a static, external files such as CSS, JS, etc. For example, when you make a change to your CSS file(s), thus you change the design of your website, you just append a version string to the end of the CSS URL in your document, like this:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="">

By doing this you're pointing to a new version of the CSS file and CloudFront will pick up this new version (if the distribution is set up to respect queries), and so the visitors of your website. The old version is irrelevant.

However, since your site is a static site and it basically resides on a content delivery network (CloudFront) as a whole, including the HTML, I vote for inlining all of your external files (CSS, synchronous JS, etc.) that block the critical rendering path. Your HTML pages will be cached and stored on the CDN anyway and it's somewhat illogical to cache those files separately. If you were running an ordinary server you would want ONLY your external static files to be cached at a CDN, and even then you might want to use rel="preload".

Cache Sparingly

If you make frequent changes or pump up a lot of content to your site you don't want to keep your files at CloudFront (the edge) for too long in order the changes to fairly quickly reflect. By setting low TTL at edge CloudFront will frequently check for fresh content at the bucket and invalidate the cache.

Manually Invalidate

However, if you update the website once in a while you want to store your files at the edge for a while since they're not changing that frequently or ever at all. In that case when you update the website you'll have to invalidate the CloudFront cache manually either for the whole site or for a specific page, as needed.

If you want to invalidate the CloudFront cache from the command line you can add the following chunk to the IAM's policy we've created earlier:

    "Effect": "Allow",
    "Action": [
    "Resource": "*"

See, we didn't specify a concrete resource for the CloudFront cache invalidation permission because there's nothing to specify since in the cache invalidation command you have to explicitly specify the distribution ID every single time. Every CloudFront distribution has a unique ID, available at the CloudFront dashboard.

For example, after publishing a new post I would invalidate the cache just for the homepage, the category list page, the sitemap and the RSS page where this title/link presumably makes an appearance. If I change something in a single post or a category page, I would obviously invalidate just that URL's cache.

Here's the command for invalidating the whole website's cache, given the fact that we've already equipped the IAM user to do this:

aws cloudfront create-invalidation \
  --distribution-id <cloudfront-distribution-id-here> --paths "/*"

You can put this command in a bash script too in /home/<user>/.local/bin and name it for example n-invalidate. Call it every time when you're making a massive change across the website and you want that change to reflect to the live version instantly.

Manual cache invalidation costs money, but frequent file requests at bucket level cost too which will happen often with the first scenario. So it's a trade off. You need to decide which option suits you the best. Manually invalidate the cache once in a while or leave the bucket relatively open for frequent uncached hits. Anyhow, both cases cost pennies, unless your site is humongous and has tons of traffic. Even then compared to hosting a dynamic website on a classic server it's way cheaper.

Add Dynamics

If you're not happy with having a truly static website you can easily add dynamic elements to it. For example if you want comments on your blog-posts you can always plug-in a third-party commenting system (e.g. Disqus). If you wish to add a contact form there are third-party solutions for that too (e.g. Formspree).

If you want to manipulate or add HTTP headers you can do that right at CloudFront by using a header policy. You can even change your content right before hitting the client's browser by using CloudFront Functions or Lambda Functions.

Setup Email

Every website needs a domain email address (e.g. Now, since you can't setup a traditional secure mail server (you don't have a server at all) you can just get a SendGrid account and white-label your domain and then you can use for example just the Gmail interface for sending/receiving emails by adding the email above into your Gmail account, treating it as an alias and using SendGrid as an SMTP server ( where you'll enter apikey literally as a username and your actual SendGrid API key as a password, while using port 587, over secured connection using TLS.

Wrap Up

Don't let this monstrous, 2000-words-article (plus additional resources) intimidate you. It's a relatively easy process to set up your static site and get it up and running in the cloud. If I could do it anyone can do it.

While making this website I was following this tutorial to the letter. Not to brag, but it's blazingly fast and virtually unhackable. There's nothing to hack really.