Migrate from HTTP to HTTPS

Migrate from HTTP to HTTPS

I was reluctant to switch to HTTPS for a long time until Google announced that Chrome will mark HTTP pages as "Not secure" if there are means for users to enter data. This is a deal-breaker because on a given (e.g. WordPress) blog you have a comment form, contact form, and possibly a newsletter form where users enter data.

When Chrome users land on an HTTP page with a form of any kind they will be greeted with a "Not Secure" warning. Eventually Google will mark all HTTP websites as "Not Secure" in Chrome, and further more all browsers will do the same making HTTP websites obsolete. In near future all websites will be HTTPS, thus making this article obsolete too.

So therefore, if you still operate a HTTP website it's about time to switch to HTTPS. In order to do that you need a solid plan. The more complex the website the more solid the plan. Below are some aspects you need to look at before, during and after the switch.

On this page:

  1. Externals
  2. Firewall
  3. Web server
  4. Enable HTTPS at proxy
  5. Redirect from HTTP to HTTPS
  6. Replace HTTP with HTTPS
  7. "Talk" to Google
  8. Update the external services
  9. Extras
  10. Crawl and fix


Since all resources on a given HTTPS page need to be loaded via HTTPS you need to make sure this rule is strictly enforced. All resources on a given page need to be HTTPS compatible. So, you need to comb your site and determine which external resources it uses, and switch them to HTTPS protocol.


AdSense ads for sure are HTTPS compatible, as many other networks' ads are too, but make sure you request HTTPS compatible code from your ad network if you happen to run something other than AdSense.

If you use AdSense, when you setup an ad unit you have an option to decide what happens when no ads are available. This is particularly important if you use Ad Balance. If you choose to redirect the unsold inventory to some other networks or to an in-house ads make sure the redirect URL supports HTTPS.

Content delivery network

If you use a content delivery network (CDN) to deliver your static files to your visitors they need to be delivered via HTTPS too. If you use CloudFront you get a SSL certificate for free, and if you use some other CDN you need to buy a SSL certificate for the subdomain (or domain) that you're going to use as CDN.

You can go with buying a wildcard certificate *example.com which will cover all possible subdomains on a given domain but that's somewhat expensive for a regular Joe. Instead, if you do not plan using subdomains, buy two separate certificates for the domain example.com (this always includes the www variant), and for the specific subdomain cdn.example.com which you'll be going to use as a CDN.

Other external resources

For example, if your site is running jQuery, Google Fonts, or some custom scripts, iframes or any other resources loaded from elsewhere you need to make sure they use HTTPS protocol.


If HTTPS access to your website is blocked by the server's firewall (port 443 is not open) you need to add an iptable rule (ipv4 and/or ipv6) to allow HTTPS requests, or make sure there's one in the first place. Simply, make sure your server accepts HTTPS requests at firewall level.

List iptables' rules with line numbers.

sudo iptables -L -nv --line-numbers

Check to see whether this rule exists:

ACCEPT  tcp --  any any anywhere  anywhere  tcp dpt:https state NEW

If you don't see a HTTPS access rule you'll have to insert it. The number 8 below is the line number where you want the rule to be inserted. It could be a different line number in your case.

sudo iptables -I INPUT 8 -p tcp --dport 443 \
-m state --state NEW -j ACCEPT

Anyhow, the HTTPS rule should be inserted right after the HTTP rule. You can't append it at the end of the ruleset because all traffic not encompassed by the rules need to be dropped by a final rule at the end of the firewall ruleset.

Of course this rule, along with all firewall rules, needs to be preserved on server reboot. Install iptables-persistent if you already haven't. During the installation you'll be prompted to save the current firewall rules.

sudo apt-get install iptables-persistent

To enforce the iptables' rules after a change (like when inserting, deleting or replacing a rule or when completely changing the whole ruleset) run:

dpkg-reconfigure iptables-persistent

When you're done, list the iptabels again to see if everything's OK.

Web server

In order to accept HTTPS requests you need to configure your web server whether that be Nginx, Apache, LiteSpeed, etc. For example here's what you need to do to enable HTTPS on Nginx:

Generate a private key

HTTPS works on a basis of pair of keys in way. One secret key and one public provided by a Certificate Authority, which is the SSL certificate itself. First you need to generate the private key on your server.

sudo openssl genrsa -out /etc/ssl/private/example.com.key 2048

Generate a Certificate Signing Request (CSR)

Since the key above is PRIVATE, meaning it's secret and you shouldn't reveal it to anyone, you need to generate a "code" which is extrapolated from that key and it's called Certificate Signing Request (CSR). This "code" will be needed in the process of acquiring the SSL certificate.

sudo openssl req -new -key /etc/ssl/private/example.com.key \
-out /etc/ssl/private/example.com.csr

You will be asked to provide the following information:

Country - two-letter ISO country code.
State or Province - your state/province (do not abbreviate).
City or Locality - your city (do not abbreviate).
Organization - either your website's name or NA if you don't run a company.
Organization Unit - you can skip this, enter NA.
Common Name - your domain name (example.com).
Email Address - your email address.

You will be also asked to enter some extra information (A Challenge Password, and An Optional Company Name) but you can enter a dot '.' to leave these options blank.

Once you're done copy the CSR code contained in the file you've just created /etc/ssl/private/example.com.csr. You'll need to provide this code while buying/activating the certificate from a Certificate Authority (CA).

Restrict access to the files we've created so far:

sudo chmod 400 /etc/ssl/private/example.com.*

Get the certificate(s)

Although you can acquire a free certificate from Let's Encrypt I would recommend (if you're an individual) a PositiveSSL certificate from SSLs.com (a Namecheap company).

It's a straightforward process. You will be asked to provide the same info you've entered while you were generating the CSR (Country, State or Province, etc.), plus the CSR "code". In addition you need to verify that you own the domain, either by email, or via uploading a file to the root of the domain. Anyhow, I'm sure you can handle the process just fine.

After you complete the process you will receive several files to download.

  1. Certificate for your domain - example.com.crt
  2. Two intermediate certificates: COMODORSADomainValidationSecureServerCA.crt and COMODORSAAddTrustCA.crt
  3. Root certificate - AddTrustExternalCARoot.crt, and
  4. p7b certificate - you can ignore this one, it's for Windows usage.

Sometimes, the intermediate certificates and the root certificate are bundled into one file so you'll get just:

  1. Certificate for your domain - example.com.crt
  2. Bundle - example.com.ca-bundle
  3. p7b certificate - you can ignore this one.

Install the certificate(s)

Whatever you've got you can upload/save all files into /etc/ssl/certs folder on your server. Concatenate the needed certificates into one file. The ORDER of concatenation is very important.

Get into that folder:

sudo cd /etc/ssl/certs

In you have multiple intermediate certificates run:

sudo cat example.com.crt \
COMODORSADomainValidationSecureServerCA.crt \
AddTrustExternalCARoot.crt >> example.com.chain.crt

If you have a bundle of certificates run:

sudo cat example.com.crt example.com.ca-bundle >> \

Configure Nginx

Once you've installed the certificates you need to instruct the web server to utilize HTTPS, meaning to provide the location of the certificate files and the private key:

server {
    listen 443 ssl http2;
    listen [::]:443 ssl http2;

    server_name example.com;

    ssl_certificate /etc/ssl/certs/example.com.chain.crt;
    ssl_certificate_key /etc/ssl/private/example.com.key;

    # Rest of the config:
    # […]

Optimize Nginx for HTTPS

Before utilizing the full force of HTTPS you need to tweak Nginx a little bit.

Cache sessions:

ssl_session_cache shared:SSL:64m;
ssl_session_timeout 1d;

Lower buffer size:

ssl_buffer_size 8k;

Default is 16k. We lower this to minimize the time to first byte (TTFB) according to NGINX docs. You can even make it 4k. Test what works best for you.

Use only TLS:

ssl_protocols TLSv1 TLSv1.1 TLSv1.2;

Use ciphers:

ssl_prefer_server_ciphers on;

Generate DH parameters file:

sudo openssl dhparam 2048 -out /etc/nginx/cert/example.com.dhparam.pem

Provide its location in the server config:

ssl_dhparam /etc/nginx/cert/example.com.dhparam.pem;

Enable OSCP stapling:

You again need to concatenate the certificates you've been given. First should go the intermediates, then the root certificate. Here we don't use the domain certificate.

sudo cd /etc/ssl/certs
sudo cat COMODORSADomainValidationSecureServerCA.crt \
COMODORSAAddTrustCA.crt AddTrustExternalCARoot.crt \
>> example.com.stapling.crt

Or, if you've been given a bundle (intermediate certs and the root cert in one file) then just copy the bundle and rename it:

sudo cp example.com.ca-bundle example.com.stapling.crt

Then provide the location of the stapling cert chain in the config, along with the resolver (Google's public DNS in this case):

ssl_stapling on;
ssl_stapling_verify on;
ssl_trusted_certificate /etc/nginx/cert/example.com.stapling.crt;

Insert strict transport security header (HSTS)

Be extremely careful with this header. First, set the max-age relatively low, like in this example:

add_header Strict-Transport-Security "max-age=86400" always;

When you're 100% sure your website operates smoothly under HTTPS for a relatively long period of time you can increase the max-age to minimum one year (31536000), add preload directive, include the subdomains in the header and submit your domain in the preload list and expect your domain's protocol to be literally hard-coded into Chrome and other browsers which will make your website load even faster. This is the point of no return. You can't go back to HTTP at this point.

add_header Strict-Transport-Security \
"max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains; preload" always;

The always directive is there to ensure that the header will be applied for all responses, including the internal errors. Note, you can place this header outside the Nginx server config block, namely in the parent http block.

At this point you're done with configuring, tuning and optimizing HTTPS on Nginx and the server config should look something like this:

server {
    listen 443 ssl http2;
    listen [::]:443 ssl http2;

    server_name example.com;

    # Cert and key
    ssl_certificate /etc/ssl/certs/example.com.chain.crt;
    ssl_certificate_key /etc/ssl/private/example.com.key;

    # Session cache (1MB can store about 4000 sessions)
    ssl_session_cache shared:SSL:64m;

    # Cache the sessions above for one day
    ssl_session_timeout 1d;

    # We lower this to minimize the time to first byte (TTFB)
    # Default is 16k
    ssl_buffer_size 8k;

    # Ciphers
    ssl_prefer_server_ciphers on;
    ssl_ciphers ECDH+AESGCM:ECDH+AES256:ECDH+AES128:DHE+AES128:!ADH:!AECDH:!MD5;

    # DH parameters
    ssl_dhparam /etc/ssl/certs/dhparam.pem;

    # SSL protocols
    ssl_protocols TLSv1 TLSv1.1 TLSv1.2;

    # OSCP stapling
    ssl_stapling on;
    ssl_stapling_verify on;
    ssl_trusted_certificate /etc/ssl/certs/example.com.stapling.crt;

    # HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS) Header
    add_header Strict-Transport-Security "max-age=86400" always;

    # Rest of the config:
    # […]

Enable HTTPS at proxy

If your website sits behind a proxy it's logical that the proxy needs to accept HTTPS requests too. For example if you use CloudFlare you need to employ a universal SSL certificate there, buy a dedicated one or import a custom certificate that you bought from somewhere else, depending on your plan at CloudFlare. Finally, switch to full (strict) SSL.

Redirect from HTTP to HTTPS

First you need to make this happen at a proxy level, that is if you use a proxy. For example at CloudFlare they do this automatically when you employ HTTPS, but you can additionally add a page rule to make sure all HTTP requests go to HTTPS.

Secondly, add a redirect at the web server level too, in this case Nginx. To accomplish this you'll need a separate server config block placed above the main server config block that we've already created.

# Redirect HTTP to HTTPS
server {
        listen [::]:80;
        listen 80;

        # The host name to respond to
        server_name example.com www.example.com;

        # Redirect
        return 301 https://example.com$request_uri;

This will additionally take care of the www to non-www redirection.

Avoid infinite loop error

These redirects are tricky though. If for some reason, before employing HTTPS, you were permanently redirecting your users from HTTPS to HTTP (which is a bad practice) now you will get into trouble. 301 redirects are hard-cached by the browsers. "Permanent" (301) means you will never want to change that redirection, so browsers hard-cache that rule indefinitely.

Now when you switch to HTTPS the following will happen when a regular user (with a "HTTPS to HTTP" 301 redirection rule cached at his browser) hits a HTTPS website: The browser cache will immediately instruct the page to go to HTTP thus the first redirection happens. And once that happens the web server redirect rule will instruct the browser to go to HTTPS version of the website. Then the browser cache will kick in again redirecting to HTTP, and then web server will redirect to HTTPS again, and the user will face an infinite loop which will produce an error. In short, your website will be inaccessible for the users who have cached "HTTPS to HTTP" 301 redirects in their browsers.

If you happen to be in this minority there's a hack that will help you. Before even attempting to switch to HTTPS make sure you remove "HTTPS to HTTP" redirection. After that you need to drop in a cache-control header with short expiry time and leave that there on your website for a prolonged period of time to ensure your regular visitors' browsers get the memo that the rules tied with your pages (particularly this 301 redirection) shouldn't be cached indefinitely. It's a hack but it works.

add_header Cache-Control "max-age=3600";

Only then you would want to proceed with the whole HTTPS implementation in order to avoid the infinite loop error.

Replace HTTP with HTTPS

If you have HTTP links hardcoded in your template files in your website's root folder (i.e. htdocs) or in your database they will be taken care of by the redirection we've just enforced. However it's better to replace them with HTTPS URLs. Keep in mind we're talking about your domain's internal links, not external ones.

So we need to run a "search and replace" command in order to change those HTTP links into HTTPS ones. However if you change just "http" string to "https" you risk modifying any external link you might have hardcoded in your website's root folder files. Thus, we'll search for http://example and replace that with https://example.

First backup your files:

cd /var/www/example.com
sudo tar chzf /path/to/backup/site-backup.tar.gz htdocs

Run "search and replace":

sudo find htdocs -type f -print0 | xargs -0 sed -i 's/http\:\/\/example/https\:\/\/example/g'

Notice, : and / symbols in the command above are escaped.

Note, if you're using WordPress and your wp-config.php file is outside of the website's root folder and you have domain URLs hardcoded there make sure you make them HTTPS too.

Again, all those HTTP internal links hardcoded in the database will be handled by the redirection, but it's better to switch them to HTTPS.

First, backup your database:

mysqldump -u db_username -p db_name > /path/to/backup/db-backup.bak

Login to your database:

mysql -u db_username -p db_name

Run "search and replace" SQL queries. For example if you run your website on WordpRess you would want to perform "search and replace" in the following destinations:

In the post content:

UPDATE wp_posts SET post_content = \
REPLACE (post_content, 'http://example', 'https://example');

In the post excerpts:

UPDATE wp_posts SET post_excerpt = \
REPLACE (post_excerpt, 'http://example', 'https://example');

In the comments:

UPDATE wp_comments SET comment_content = \
REPLACE (comment_content, 'http://example', 'https://example');

The points is to run "search and replace" through any tables in your database where you might have hardcoded HTTP internal links.

"Talk" to Google

Now when the hard work is done you need to "talk" to Google and give it a heads up about the fact that you've made some crucial changes to your website. More specifically you need to adjust your settings at Google Search Console (formerly known as Google Webmaster Tools) and Google Analytics.

Add new property in Google Search Console

After switching to HTTPS you need to add the HTTPS version of your website as a brand new property in Google Search Console in order to utilize the tools in the console (search appearance, search traffic, Google index, crawl, security issues, etc.). For example if you've opted to maintain the non-www version of your site now all other versions will redirect to the property https://example.com.

http:// will redirect to https://
http://www will redirect to https://
https://www will redirect to https://

There's no need to immediately delete the old HTTP property in your console. Observe whether all HTTP requests go to HTTPS before deleting it. You don't even need to delete it at all. It can stay there for historical purposes.

Submit new sitemap to Google

Assuming you are maintaining a sitemap at your website (as you should), you need to submit a new HTTPS sitemap to Google, preferably via the new property you've just created in the Google Search Console. Just go to Crawl >> Sitemaps section in Google Search Console and submit your sitemap there.

Alternatively you can ping Google by visiting this URL in your browser:

Where example.com is your domain and sitemap.xml is your sitemap.

Update the Google Analytics profile

Unlike the process in the Google Search Console, here you don't need to submit а new HTTPS version of your website. All you need to do is edit the property at Google Analytics where you'll just change the protocol of the default URL. You want to be HTTPS now.

Now you need to mutually connect your properties at Google Analytics and Google Search Console. It's the same website so you need these two tools to exchange data.

Basically you need to go to Google Search console homepage, select your website, and in the property settings choose the Google Analytics profile you want this website in Google Search Console to be associated with.

Update the external services

If your site has been long enough on the net the chances are high that you use some external services to boost your traffic, engage with your visitors, etc. For example you may use a custom Facebook App, or you broadcast your blog feed via newsletter using Aweber, or you just use a service which automatically posts new content to Facebook and Twitter, such as dlvr.it.

Typically almost all external services will use your feed URL in order to get updates from your site so you need to make a list of which external services your website uses and update the feed URL (change the protocol into HTTPS) respectively in every service you use. That means you need to login in each and every one of them and update your feed there.


The effort here is to erase almost every HTTP occurrence of your website URL that is in your power to edit and replace it with HTTPS. For example you might have had a custom redirect rules in your web server config or elsewhere (i.e. PHP) that used to redirect one URL to another. Now you need to update those custom redirects where destination URLs will be with HTTPS protocol in order to avoid multiple redirections.

You might be also using a custom chron job in WordpPress where you ping your wp-cron.php file, let's say, every 5 minutes. Therefore you need to edit the crontab (crontab -e) and use a proper HTTPS protocol in the URL you ping. Otherwise your cron job might not work.

Think of places where your domain might appear in a HTTP version while you have the power to edit that.

Obviously the inbound links will be all with a HTTP protocol and you can't change that. That's why you have a redirection in place to remedy that. You can start emailing websites in order to convince the webmasters to update the links pointing to your website but this practise is not feasible for popular websites since they have hundreds of thousands of links pointing to them. Anyhow, 301 redirection is more than a solid method for dealing with the inbound links.

Further more, if for some reason the redirection fails (meaning your site for a brief period of time is accessible both at HTTP and HTTPS) your canonical URL defined for every page in your content, which will obviously have a HTTPS protocol, will tell Google what's the preferred URL.

Crawl and fix

What's left to do now is to monitor your website for any errors and watch your inbox for complaints from your visitors, if any. In order to speed up the monitoring, crawl your website with a spider in order to quickly discover errors. One popular options is the Screaming Frog which is free if your website has under 500 pages, but I use one ancient piece of work called Xenu's Link Sleuth.

This way you'll discover if anything's gone wrong, especially with the redirection, and deploy a fix if necessary. You might even start updating the external links from your website if those websites switched to HTTPS too.

Wrap up

Yet another gigantic article (3600+ words), but the process is really easy. It all boils down to enabling your server to serve HTTPS, replacing the HTTP protocol with HTTPS wherever you can (files, database, services you use, etc.), and setting up a "HTTP to HTTPS" redirection. That's it.